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AOC Reuilly wine

A little history
Extending over 250 hectares spread over 6 municipalities (Reuilly (Indre), Diou, Lazenay, Chéry, Lury-sur-Arnon and Preuilly) in the departments of Indre and Cher, the vines of Reuilly are planted on gentle hillsides, along the banks of the Cher and the Arnon. The appellation offers white (Sauvignon), red (Pinot Noir) and rosé (Pinot Gris) wines.

The roots of the Reuilly vineyard are deeply rooted in the history of Berry. According to legend, King Dagobert, in the 7th century, offered his vines to the monks of the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis (93). The wines of Reuilly will be cited at the court of Catherine de Medici as being “the best in the Berry region”. In 1365, Duke Jean de Berry had a charter published, making it possible to fix the dates of the harvest, the collection of taxes on wine sales... Like many European vineyards, Reuilly was devastated at the end of the 19th century by phylloxera. Gradually, by dint of work and passion, the winegrowers manage to reconstitute the vineyard, and obtain the AOC from 1937 for the white wines, and in 1961 for the red and rosé wines.

The white wine will go perfectly with a seafood dish or with our regional goat cheeses. The red wine, of an astonishing ruby color, goes perfectly with white meats. Rosé is ideal in summer, as an aperitif or to accompany a barbecue.

more than 9,000 hL 

250 hectares


For more information: Loire center wines

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